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Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Elevator

Up and down
Down and up
There it goes
Again and again

With a little bit of effort
Got a chance to talk
The girl who is pretty
And a bit shy indeed

All alone by our selves
The chance I got not to waste
I make every move
To win her heart per floor

Flirtatious phrases
That comes out of my mouth
Works very well
On a innocent pretty girl

Years of experience
Of talking to girls
Comes handy
On situations like this

Not my first time
But I say, "it's my first time"
Although she doesn't know
I go up and down every day .. 

X Men

Theater is full
We are the lovers
Who are desperate
Till they turn off the lights

Once they are off
We begin writing
A new chapter
To our very own movie

The X-Men is showing
Sound is amazing
Others can't hear us
The sounds of our lips

Intensity is high
Warmth is high
The firing is already began
X men is great

The sound is not romantic
All we want is space
We don't hear they shout
We only hear the beats of our hearts ..

To write a new chapter
Of our very own movie ...

Love vs Exams

Stress is a dream
Dream is a memory
Memory is a scene
Scene is her memories

Through the weeping tears
I see through the window
Snow fall has begun
Cold has begun

I recall her memories
Warm hugs she gave
Long walks through snow
Rough kisses in the woods

Talking about the things
We've been dreaming of
Finally has started
To appear as real

Exams are real
The outcome is real
What we talked are dreams
Those are not real

Have to go through this
Have to pass all these
To make a bright future
For both of us and our bond.