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Sunday, June 17, 2007

The girl next door

“Once upon a time bla bla bla”
I don’t want to start with rubbish like that
But I saw her in the morning
With red roses in her hand
Suddenly I feel , if I were that roses
To kiss her beauty hands
Hold her in my shoulders and
to show her this dull world
and fulfill it with her love
and make this world bright

her heir like blooming flower
dark browned and mixed with black
face is a fountain with
water that pure and cold
I feel a fear when she comes near
And enormous love with hot breathes
But I’m get angry with her
on one damn thing
That’s …….
her damn husband …

Robot and love

What is love
Love means what
I cant feel it
Can I touch it ?
Is it physical thing ?
Is it an object
Or a feeling ?
What is love
I cant understand

When I about to go somewhere
I feel my battery is low
I know my processing speed
Of my processor
And I know what is coldness means
I know what is temperature means
I know who are the humans
But I still cant understand
what is love …….

Always draw a circle….

Don’t draw a heart .
Always draw a circle
Because circle has no ends
But the heart
Don’t dream about anything
Dreams are dreams not the truth
Don’t take anything as easy
Because everything is very difficult
Don’t be very funny guy
Be a serious man too
Don’t refuse every guy
Be a lover too.

The Funeral Day

Oh , my love
Your eyes
Those days
That tired with coldness

Today , have been closed
Your eye lids … forever
Have closed your red rose
That filled with endless smiles

The lips that dazzled with silver
have fallen with dark
And the cheeks that
I kissed every time
have colored with
your hands that I touched
every time
have been bonded together

Today …
is the funeral day , …
Of my angel ……

Love Or Sex

I went to shop
To buy some flowers
For my room

I saw a girl with a shiny skin
Very fair,
Got a yellow colored flower
and smiled with
Her pearl teeth

Damn . she is very beautiful
She is very sexy
Her back
Damn shape she having ,
Who is she ,
Oh , if I had her
It will be amazing
A feeling growing in to my soul
I feel very fresh in my breath
Oh I’m in love
Ah ! in love ?
What did I say
Love or sex ?
I don’t know
But I’m in love
may be sex
I don’t care

Meantime some one
Said , watch out man
Are you def

I said No , I ’m in love

SMS Love….

Oh my phone
My lovely phone
I love you very much
Oh my sweat phone
My phone

You got the most
Important thing in love
You got the SMS

You are the one
Who gave me my
Sweat heart
You are the one
Who carrying my
Love messages with
Cheap price
You are the one who gave
Me Spence less love
You are the one
Who made me a
Romantic lover

Oh my phone
Oh my phone
I love you so much

Cold Rain …

Without sleeping
suffering , And opened by force
I waited for you
One hour , two hour
No , may be four or six

By touching and hugging
The dusty air , the rain
With huge water drops
I tried to count
One , two , three , four
I cant , I cant count the endless
Water drops .

Cold , very cold
When the sun will
Come , to fight with
The cold.

Rain , rain , endless rain ….

Dream …

I will write a poem
If you murmur it
from your smooth lips
I will come to you
Being wind
If you hug that wind
By heart
I will sing a song
If you love to hear
From me
And I will be yours
If you love to be with me