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Saturday, June 9, 2007

I wrote you a poem

Though we may be young and are probably foolish, all I feel for you is real.
Every breath I draw around you fills me with joy, joy that you have chosen me, joy that you are still here,
And the fear that you’ll go.
Your skin is heavenly soft and always comforting, and when I am close it is like nothing else exists.
I just want to tell you over and over again, tell you how much I love you and make you believe that you are all I want.
I feel like I am helpless in your presence, like I have been bound by your influence and like any negativity I have, dissolves.
And when you go,
I miss you,
Even after a few seconds I yearn for your company and want you with me,
Sometimes I just can’t get close enough to you,
I could lie in your arms forever.
Your eyes melt me and make a feeling- something I cannot describe- rise up from my toes and drown my senses.
I smile when I am around you, it’s a smile no-one else gets, and I love that you notice and smile back.
I feel compelled to touch you and look at you and sometimes
I just need you, My Darling, I need you.
I turn into a cliché.
Every song I hear is about us and every line from every film and every poem I have ever heard makes me feel lucky because I am living it.
You have accepted me, just me.
And in the mornings you smile and pull me close.

Daisy Lennon - (a visitor of our site)
31 May 2007

1 comment:

Manimala said...

Ah, nice poems here. If you're interested, read the poems on my blog.